Thursday 20 September 2012

Whats Happening in the Lab this Week?

It was great to see so many parents at Open House on Wednesday night! Thank you for coming.

Here’s what been going on in the lab this week:

PreK & Kindergarten – We’re working a lot on mouse control and coordination right now, with lots of practice clicking, double clicking, and dragging and dropping. This week, the students sorted out a pile of Autumn leaves by dragging them and dropping them into new piles, reinforcing the concepts of color and shape.

1st Grade – We opened the lesson by talking about opposites, with the students brainstorming many examples. We then did an internet search for clipart images to match some of our opposite pairs and saved them onto our desktop. Next week, the students will insert their images into a Pages document and create captions. 

2nd Grade – Students worked in pairs to research an aspect of Westward Expansion, then took notes on a graphic organizer. They will continue their research next week, then organize their findings on a handout for their classmates.

3rd Grade – Students researched the Vikings on the BBC website, watching videos and playing a Viking game.

4th Grade – This week, 4th graders began a virtual Around the World race; in partners, they have to plan a trip around the world, starting and ending in Thorpe and visiting all seven continents. They must record the latitude and longitude of each of their destinations and calculate the distance using online resources and Google Earth. The team that can achieve this while travelling the fewest miles will win!

Have a fab weekend!

Mrs. Elliott