Wednesday 14 November 2012

What's Going On This Week?

This week first grade was introduced to Microsoft Word. In a very short time, they were able to open the application, create a blank document, type a blurb about themselves, then name and save their work. They also learned about applying basic writing conventions to their typing, using the space bar, shift to capitalize, using periods, and using enter to start a new line.  

Kindergartners and second grade were introduced to the iPads. The Lower School has recently acquired 20 iPads for both lab and classroom use. Both year groups were introduced to the machines and some of the new skills required to use them. Touching/pointing, holding while touching and pointing, pinching, accuracy with touching/pointing and sliding in all directions are all different skills needed when interacting on the iPads. Kindergarteners used a drawing program to write -at words, then draw pictures to illustrate them. Second grade did a very quick exercise on copying and pasting images into Pages, and inserting shapes and text. 

I'm very excited about the possibilities that come with having iPads in the classrooms! 

This week, fourth graders have finished typing some poems, then put the finishing touches on them. They then practiced their keyboarding skills. Here are some tips to reinforce good typing habits with your child:

1. Hands on Home Row
2. Elbows tucked in
3. Wrists flat
4. Use correct posture - sit upright
5. Relax!